Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use


These Terms of Use govern your access to and your use of our Website and Services specified herein.

This section provides information on how safe and transparent it is to use the official website Bitcentraltrade our excellence speaks for us, here in Bitcentraltrade every investor is expected to to contact the company live support team for every clarifications concerning your investment in Cryptocurrency even as a real estate investor same is applicable to our investors applying for loans.Here in Bitcentraltrade we do not share your personal informations no matter what.

The company warns that with the proven fact of the occurrence of criminal liability, we will cooperate with law enforcement agencies to disclose and suppress further offenses.

You also agree to comply with any applicable laws, regulations and requirements that may govern your access to and use of our Website and Services including, but not limited to, those relating to virtual currency trading.

As we are constantly improving our Website and our Services, we may have to change or amend these Terms of Use occasionally. We will always make an effort to notify you of such changes, but you should also check these Terms of Use regularly yourself to see when they were last updated (the date of the last update is always listed at the top).

If you continue to use the Website and/or the Services after you have learned of any changes or amendments hereto, you are deemed to have accepted these amendments and changes.

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